Information On Using Pine Bark for Mulch

This article will discuss the benefits of pine bark mulch, and how to use of Pine Bark Mulch in Gardens.

Anna Chu

3/29/2022 3 min read

Properly placed organic mulch can benefit soil and plants in many ways. Mulch insulates the soil and plants in winter, but also keeps soil cool and moist in summer. Mulch can control weeds and erosion. It also helps to retain soil moisture and prevent splash back of soil that can could contain soil borne fungus and diseases. With so many choices of organic mulches on the market, it can be confusing.

What Is Pine Bark

Mulch Pine bark mulch, made of shredded bark from pine trees, is sold or made for use in gardening. The mulch helps the ground and nearby plants retain moisture while keeping weeds at bay. Pine bark mulch is a pink or reddish brown, while other wood-based mulches are tan, red, dark brown or even black. It's typically all natural, as its inherent color means no dye is needed. Since pine bark mulch is large in size, it lasts for years as an attractive and useful landscape element.

Weed Control

Pine bark mulch is an effective weed control around plants when layered 2 to 3 inches deep in the garden. It lasts for years, compared with smaller mulch materials such as pine needles or leaves, both of which decompose faster than larger, chunkier pine bark. Fewer weeds in the area also means more soil nutrients available to the intended plants in the garden. In a fresh garden with bare soil, placing damp newspaper atop the soil, followed by a thin layer of pine bark mulch before the larger chunks are set down, helps keep weeds down while retaining moisture.

Moisture Retention

Moisture retention in the soil is an important aspect for any type of gardening; it means less manual watering and a more continuous, readily available supply of water to the plants in the garden. Pine bark mulch helps the soil retain moisture because it provides a protective barrier atop the soil, keeping the moisture in the ground rather than allowing it to evaporate quickly.

Soil Retention and Erosion Control

Pine bark mulch, when applied several inches deep, helps retain soil and keeps it from eroding into the surrounding areas. This is helpful for areas of plain dirt with sporadic plants, such as border gardens along fences, around tree trunks and throughout gardens. When dealing with garden-side tree trunks, keep the pine bark mulch in a flat layer rather than a cone, as the cone may actually pull moisture away from the tree.

As Colorful Decor

Deciding which type of mulch to use in a garden is sometimes purely based on aesthetics. Mulch is made from various substances, typically wood, and varies in color based on the wood used or whether the wood has been dyed. Pine bark mulch retains its original color a bit longer than most natural mulches, according to a study by the University of Florida Cooperative Extension. Many mulches tend to turn gray after a year, while pine bark mulch retains most of its pinkish brown hue even after two years. Raking or flipping the mulch will reveal a stronger color on the other side, as sunlight and the elements are largely responsible for fading. Natural pine bark mulch is also completely natural, meaning no chemical additives or dyes will affect the garden soil and plants.